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Western Pacific Regional Pharmaceutical Forum

About us

The WHO Western Pacific Region includes 37 countries and territories that are home to approximately one-fourth of the world’s population. It stretches from Mongolia in the north-west, to New Zealand in the south and the French Polynesia in the east. The Western Pacific Region is very diverse and includes some of the world’s smallest and most isolated countries such as Tuvalu and Kiribati, countries with highly developed economies such as Japan and Singapore, and fast-growing economies such as China and Vietnam.

The Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum (WPPF) was founded in 2001. Our priority FIP Development Goals for 2024 are:

  • DG 5 (Competency development)
  • DG 6 (Leadership development)
  • DG 9 (Continuing professional development [CPD] strategies)
  • DG 15 (People-centred care)
  • DG 19 (Patient safety)
  • DG 20 (Digital health)

Other key priorities are to support pharmacists in responding to non-communicable diseases. Equity and equality are also important areas of focus.

How we work

Our executive committee is as follows:

President Mr John Jackson
Vice President and Treasurer Ms Leonila Ocampo
Secretary of Pharmacy Practice Dr Suzanne Caliph
Secretary of Pharmaceutical Science Prof Joe Kang
Secretary of Pharmaceutical Education & Workforce Development Prof Wai Keung Chui
Member of the executive committee Prof. Sang Hoon Joo
Member of the executive committee Dr Nobuo Yamamoto
Member of the executive committee Ms Zuzaan Zulzaga
Member of the executive committee Mr Reynaldo Maxlito Umali

The current statutes of the Western Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum were adopted in April 2024.

Contact us at


FIP member organisations in the Western Pacific region

Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan
Association of Mongolian Pharmacy Professionals
Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association
Australian Pharmacy Council
Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
Fiji Pharmaceutical Society
Japan Pharmaceutical Association
Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Korean Pharmaceutical Association
Malaysian Pharmacists Society
Mongolian Association of United Pharmaceutical Organizations
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong
Pharmaceutical Society of Korea
Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand
Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore
Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan
Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Vietnamese Pharmaceutical Association


The Pharmaceutical Forum of the Western Pacific annual report is available here.


Through annual scholarships funded by FIP, the FIP Foundation for Education and Research, the WPPF and others stakeholders, the WPPF enables young and early-career pharmacists from low- and middle-income countries to gain exposure to global practice and connect with other colleagues. These scholarships include:

  • FIP Congress Travel Scholarships (2005– 2020)
  • Early Career Leadership Development scholarships (2023)
  • Ton Hoek Scholarship for young achievers funded by the FIP Foundation (2019)
  • Scholarships sponsored by WPPF:

           - WPPF Scholarship supported by Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (Australia) (2008)
           - WPPF Scholarship supported by Ego Pharmaceuticals Australia (2015)
           - WPPF Scholarship funded by WPPF (2017)

Previous awardees
2024 Rersan Sundiam Cosas (Philippines)
2023 Sheron Sir Loon Goh (Malaysia)
2020 Mnomin-Erdene Tsolmon (Mongolia)
2019 Margarita M Gutierrez (Philippines)
2019 Cheong Wing Loong Mark (Malaysia)
2018 Chun-Wai Mai (Malaysia)
2017 Wong Zhi Yen (Malaysia)
2017 Wei Wang (China)
2017 Reshnika Sen (Fiji)
2016 Cristan Agaceta (Philippines)
2016 Su Su (China)
2015 Gereltuya Dorj (Mongolia)
2015 Arianne Diane Aninon (Philippines)
2015 Avnil Shiva Narayan (Fiji)
2014 Vanny You (Philippines)
2014 Arnold Abhishek Ram (Fiji)
2013 Sheldon Jay Silva (Philippines)
2013 Nibhay Nand (Fiji)
2012 Paul Marvin Quizon (Philippines)
2012 Kumar Shaneel (Fiji)
2011 Bryan Posadas (Philippines)
2011 Ka Keat Lim (Malaysia)
2010 Ha Nguyen Dieu (Vietnam)
2010 Rosalynn Pangan (Philippines)
2009 Shelldon Jagdon (Philippines)
2009 Muhammad Abdul Hadi (Malaysia)
2008 Anh Dao Nguyen (Vietnam)
2008 Roderick Salenga (Philippines)
2008 Edward Nanatsi (Papua New Guinea)
2007 Dinh Thi Thanh Thuy (Vietnam)
2006 Aaron D’Souza (Australia)
2006 Fei-Yuan Hsiao (China Taiwan)
2005 Shane Jackson (Australia)
2005 Muhammed Haniki (Malaysia)


Last update 12 July 2024

FIP Congresses